Fast Payments

Send money quickly 24/7

A faster and simpler way to pay, and get paid

You now have the option to make your everyday payments faster, simpler and safer. Osko by BPAY® is a new way to pay that allows you to transfer money between participating financial institutions in seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You won’t even need your BSB and account number. Money sent using Osko will be there in minutes and it's available all day, everyday - even on the weekends.

How to get started

When transferring funds via our mobile app, you can tick or un-tick the Osko box to choose whether you'd like to send funds via Osko or a standard transfer. Daily transaction limits apply so you'll only be able to send up to $2,500 per day via Osko, provided you haven't made any other standard transfers as well. When transferring funds via Internet Banking, you can choose to send funds via Osko, a standard transfer or to a PayID. (Daily transaction limits apply). Having a PayID set up also makes it easier for people to send funds to you.

Want to know more about Osko? Visit

How to register or manage your PayID

Your PayID will be your mobile number, email address or ABN (much easier to remember) and you will use this when someone needs to pay you, instead of using your BSB and account number. Your PayID is a unique identifier for you only and will be linked to your transaction account. To register, login to Internet Banking and check your contact details are up to date including your email and mobile number. Then select My Preferences followed by Manage PayID from the top menu.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518